In the event of a breach of any of the provisions of this Agreement by one party, the other party may at its option cancel this Agreement forthwith by giving notice in writing to the defaulting party. 任何一方违反本协议任何条款时,另一方有权取消本协议并立即书面通知违约一方。
If by any chance, either of each party fails to complete this agreement, then the defaulting party is bound to pay ABC Properties Company one month rental fee as a service fee. 如任何一方未能完成租约,反悔的一方须支付一个月租金给ABC物业代理公司作为佣金。
Losses which become deteriorated due to the negligence of notice or nonfeasance of remedies shall be compensated by the defaulting Party. 一方未尽通知义务或未采取措施避免、减少损失的,应就扩大的损失承担相应的赔偿责任。
Simultaneously, the defaulting party should bear all legal consequences and should compensate the other party for all kind of losses. 同时,违约方承担所有法律和违约责任和赔偿所有损失。
But the former emphasizes the right of cancellation, and the latter pays more attention on the right of defense of the non-defaulting party. 对非违约方的救济途径基本相同,但前者更强调合同的解除权,而后者更注重非违约方基于违约方期前毁约而产生的抗辩权。
The formal value of fundamental breach of contract lies in its restriction of the right of contract rescission. The substantial significance lies in balancing of the interests between the defaulting party and non-defaulting party. 根本违约规则的形式价值在于限制合同解除权,实质意义在于平衡违约方与非违约方之间的利益及社会利益。
The adjustment of liquidated damages should be based on actual losses and the possible benefits of loss-based, the fault of the parties, contract compliance, the defaulting party payment capabilities, and ease of a contract subject matter of the degree of substitution as referent elements. 违约金的调整应当以实际损失和可得利益损失为基础,以当事人的过错、合同履行情况、违约方给付能力以及合同标的物替代的难易程度等为参考因素。